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Detection Engineering

What is detection engineering?

As organizations continue to expand their digital footprint, the number of potential security threats also grows. To stay ahead of these threats, detection engineering focuses on building and refining detection capabilities within an organization’s infrastructure. It is a proactive approach aimed at identifying malicious activities before they can cause significant harm.

How does it work?

Detection engineering involves creating, testing, and optimizing detection rules that identify suspicious activities across an organization’s environment. Our Detection Engineers design these systems by studying common attack patterns and behaviors, crafting alerts that trigger when anomalies or threats are detected. This process ensures that real-time monitoring can identify attacks at their earliest stages, giving security teams the ability to respond swiftly.

Why is it relevant?

With the sophistication of cyberattacks on the rise, relying solely on preventive measures is not enough. Detection engineering provides continuous insight into the health of the infrastructure, ensuring that emerging threats are caught before they cause damage. It equips organizations with a better understanding of their security landscape, empowering them to stay resilient in an ever-changing threat environment.

What to expect
  • Regularly reviewed and updated detection rules and systems to keep up with evolving cyberattack tactics, ensuring your defenses remain effective
  • Detection rules that are specifically tailored to your organization’s unique environment and attack surface
  • A proactive approach that goes beyond traditional security measures, with custom detection rules designed to identify potential threats before they escalate into serious incidents